"Young people are the future" and CM Cartotecnica Moderna has always relied on them
For that reason our company was so glad to have been invited by Ms. Benedetta Terenzi, Professor of the Degrre Course in design at the University of Perugia, to take part at the competition sponsored by Grifo Alimentare Group "for design of the new logo and packaging for the agri-food umbrian production, commercialized within the experimental project UMBRIA FOOD" on which had been involved the first year class students.
The project looks after the online marketing of agricoltural and agri-food products, coming from local companies settled in the territory, taht are delivered in refrigerators (Food Locker) and positioned in highly frequented places both in Umbria and in Rome.
Our technical office in the person of Mr. Rossi has overseen the students during the packaging design phase, realizing the prototypes of the 2 winning projects, awarded on Jube 30th at 11 a.m. at the Aula Magna of the department DICA - Civil and Environment Engineering.
Both winners and authirs of the projects, mentioned in the innovation category, have been invited by CM Cartotecnica Moderna for a company visit, where they had an overview of all the production phases of a pack: from the design conceiving, to the selection of the materials and the technical supervisione, ending up to a ready to produce item.